Our products provide clean, high quality
healthy water

MSF offers distinctively unique products for sustainable high quality water supplies and for effective and environmentally friendly disinfection systems.

Pre-treatment to Existing Slow Sand Filter Plants

MS Filter and staff have 17 years experience in pre-treating water for the enhanced slow sand filtration process.

Slow Sand Filtration has provided safe potable water to millions of consumers for many decades but as knowledge and regulations have advanced it has become clear that the removal of organics has become a treatment priority to minimize the formation of disinfection by-products. Traditional Slow Sand Filters have a good but limited ability to remove natural and synthetic organics. Ozonation breaks down these relatively stable dissolved organic molecules to more biologically digestible forms allowing the biological process to effectively remove them. An independent study ranked pre-oxidation/biological filtration as second only to Reverse Osmosis for removal of synthetic 'Compounds of Emerging Concern' (CEC). The MS Filter system is the ultimate pre-oxidation/biological filtration process.

MS Filter and staff have 17 years experience in pre-treating water for the enhanced slow sand filtration process. This pre-treatment is equally applicable to existing slow sand filter plants. It can provide significantly improved organics removal and can provide the primary disinfection CT requirements through the ozone contact time provided. Secondary disinfection with free chlorine will most likely be adequate or chloramination or other alternative secondary disinfectants can also be employed given the flexibility offered by the MSF system.


Canisbay Lake Campground
The Canisbay Campground water treatment plant is one of four MSF surface water plants in Ontario's beautiful Algonquin Provincial Park. All four plants employ the MS Filter system for a number of excellent reasons... READ MORE

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