Our products provide clean, high quality
healthy water

MSF offers distinctively unique products for sustainable high quality water supplies and for effective and environmentally friendly disinfection systems.

Multi-Stage Filtration

The Multi-Stage Filtration system is a complete pre-engineered package plant incorporating Pre-ozonation, Roughing Filtration, Slow Sand Filtration. The Roughing Filter/Slow Sand Filter is contained in a robust marine grade aluminum container.

The Multi-Stage Filtration process was developed with advisory input from some of North America's leading experts in slow sand filtration. Initial pilot studies began in 1993 with full scale installations installed as early as 1995. The first ozone/roughing filter/slow sand installation was commissioned in 1998. MS Filter was formed in 2001 to formally bring this technology to market. Over 30 installations are now in service across North America.

The Multi-Stage Filtration process has a proven track record. This experience in successfully applying effective pretreatment processes to the established slow sand filtration process has led to adaptations for existing facilities and new applications:

MS Filter now offers the pre-ozonation roughing filtration pre-treatment processes as a separate package system that can be retrofitted into existing slow sand filtration facilities to significantly reduce organics and disinfection byproducts.

The pre-ozone biological roughing filter has been developed as a very effective pre-treatment to Ultrafiltration membranes for larger 'small systems'. The application of biologically stable water to a membrane system greatly reduces the potential for fouling.

The pre-ozonation system is in widespread use as a disinfection cleaning process in the food processing and bottling industry. A complete disinfection system is available through MS Filter Systems Inc.


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Canisbay Lake Campground
The Canisbay Campground water treatment plant is one of four MSF surface water plants in Ontario's beautiful Algonquin Provincial Park. All four plants employ the MS Filter system for a number of excellent reasons... READ MORE

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